critical illness
A critical illness generally involves a long recovery, a loss of earnings and increased expenses. Thanks to a tax-free lump-sum payment upon diagnosis of a condition covered by your policy, you will be able to meet your financial commitments and cover illness-related costs such as medication, specialized medical treatments, modifications to your home, etc. This way, you can focus your energy where you need it most: on your recovery, not on your finances.
Critical illness insurance may be purchased as a complement to your other existing coverage or be added to your life or disability insurance coverage.
Transition - Simplified Issue
Offers you a coverage solution if you do not wish to undergo a medical exam or if your health prevents you from obtaining critical illness insurance. You need only answer a few questions about your health to obtain coverage.
- Coverage for 4 illnesses
- Premiums that will never increase
- Acceptance without a medical exam
- The possibility to recover the amount of all premiums paid after a certain number of years
- The possibility of your beneficiaries to receive the total amount of all premiums paid after your death
Protects you for 10 or 20 years, up to 75 years of age or for your lifetime.
- Coverage for 30 illnesses and conditions
- Premiums that will never increase
- The possibility of adding coverage for your children and future children
- The possibility of a return of premiums on your death
Transition Evolution
Protects you for life
- Coverage for 30 illnesses and conditions
- Premiums are revised every 5 years
- A return of premiums upon death
- An evolving definition of illnesses and medical conditions to take into account new market trends
Critical Illness Rider
- Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)
- Coronary artery bypass surgery
- Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
- Paralysis
- Coma
- Juvenile critical illnesses (Cerebral Palsy; Congenital Heart Disease; Cystic Fibrosis; Muscular Dystrophy; Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus)
In the case of juvenile critical illnesses, the diagnosis must be made prior to the attainment of age 25. Please refer to the policy for details pertaining to limitations and exclusions.
Child Life & Health Duo
Provides critical illness and life insurance coverage for your child during his or her lifetime. It also provides financial assistance should you need to temporarily leave your job to stay with your child in the event of a life-threatening illness
- Coverage for 25 life-threatening illnesses and conditions, including 7 juvenile critical illnesses
- Premiums that will never increase
- Valid temporary critical illness insurance coverage up to 30 years of age, which can be transferred into permanent coverage between 18 and 30 years of age
- Fully-paid, permanent insurance coverage when the child reaches 30 years of age
The Kiddy Plan
Free coverage for your child for 12 months.
Enrol in the Kiddy Plan and receive a complimentary mini first aid kit!
- Free coverage for 12 months
- A single insurance plan for your children aged 2 to 5 years old
- A lump-sup benefit payment paid upon diagnosis of a critical illness